MPI-P Linux documentation  
Setting the “POLY” password before logging in for the first time  

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Setting the “POLY” password before logging in for the first time

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Setting the “POLY” password before logging in for the first time

The MPI-P computer systems are currently divided into an older domain “LDAP” and a newer domain “POLY”. Those domains have different password storages, though initially the password is set to the same initial password in both domains.

Currently you must change your “POLY” password to be able to log on to your Linux PC:

Step “LDAP” domain / password “POLY” domain / password
1. Go to room 1.006.  
2. Log on to the Windows PC in room 1.006  
3. Start the Firefox Web Browser  
4.   Go to
5.   Click “Forgot your password”
6.   Answer the security question (the default answer is “MAX”), press “Ok”
7.   Verify that the email address is ok, press “Continue”
8. Open a new tab in Firefox, go to  
9. Log in with your username and (initial) “LDAP” password  
10. Open the mail with subject “Verification for your password reset”  
11. Copy the verification number  
    Return to the vmadselfservice tab
12.   Paste the number into the verification field and press “Continue"
13.   Enter a new password of your choosing twice, enter the captcha and press “Reset Password”
14.   Click the “back to home” link
15.   Close the tab
16. Go to the tab and press the logout button.  
17. Close this tab, too.  

To change the “LDAP” password, see page 3 of the “First Steps Guide”.

Note, email (and the email password) is currently in the “LDAP domain”.